Supported operations


  • Python scalars
  • numpy ndarray with dimensionality <2
  • broadcasting
  • mathematical operators (+, -, …)
  • numpy elementwise mathematical functions (sin, exp, …)


sparsegrad has full support for indexing for reading arrays:

  • indexing by scalars, for example x[0] and x[-1]
  • indexing by slice, for example x[::-1]
  • indexing by arrays, for example x[np.arange(10)]

Setting individual elements in arrays should be replaced with summing sparse vectors.

dtype promotion

sparsegrad does not assume a specific dtype. It follows numpy dtype coercion rules.

Branching and control flow

Since sparsegrad does not reuse data between evaluations, arbitrary branching of execution is allowed through Python control flow statements such as if. sparsegrad objects implements all the comparison operators.

Branching at vector element level is supported through functions where and branch.

where is an equivalent of the standard numpy function, but it supports correctly sparsegrad objects. As the standard version, it has a disadvantage that both possible values must be evaluated for each element. In the case of expensive calculations, this is avoided by using branch function, which only evaluates used values.

Sparse vectors

sparsegrad provides functions for summing sparse vectors with derivative information.

Irregular memory access

Collecting values from non-sequential locations in memory, with optional summing, is supported through multiplication by sparse matrix (dot).

Writing values to non-sequential locations in memory, with optional summing, is supported through summing sparse vectors (sparsesum).

Calculation of sparsity pattern

Sparsity pattern is calculating using seed_sparsity.

Other functions

sparsegrad provides variants of standard functions that work for both numpy and sparsegrad values:

  • dot(A,x) : matrix - vector multiplication, where matrix A is constant
  • sum(x) : sum of elements of a vector x
  • hstack(vecs), stack(*vecs) : concatenation of vectors vecs